What if Word War II hadn’t ended in 1945…..?
What if the Manhattan Project had been delayed….?
The historical end of the Japanese Empire occurred in August 1945, before the invasion of Japan. For over 60 years, historians have debated what could have happened if a number of events had ended differently. Kamikaze 1946 proceeds from a historical base to describe what could have happened if the war had continued another year. Now you can participate in historical or what-if missions and aerial combats of WWII.
Kamikaze 1946: Divine Wind accurately recreates the speed and deadliness of air-to-air combat in a fast moving game system. Based on historical combat results, aircraft characteristics, and tactics of the aces, the simple rules are easy to follow. Most missions can be completed in 1-2 hours, with 2-8 players. Each player can easily control a dozen or more aircraft. The rules and data you need are contained within, along with information on painting 1/300th scale aircraft from Luftwaffe 1946 Miniatures. Can you alter the path of history?
Kamikaze 1946: Divine Wind Includes:
Alternate History from the world of Kamikaze 1946/Luftwaffe 1946
Basic Rules which include:
Air Combat Maneuvering
Air-to-Air Combat – including special weapons and rockets
Surface-to-Air Combat - including flak and missiles
Air-to-Surface Combat – including bombing, strafing, smart bombs and more
Up to 60 altitude levels
Optional Rules include:
Ace and inexperienced pilots
Tactical situation initiative
Clouds and Wind
Special aircraft characteristics
12 Mission Scenarios
Guide to painting model aircraft
Luftwaffe 1946 Rule Book
/ unit(s)
Blue Skies Bonanza
Luftsturm: Defense of the Reich
/ unit(s)
Amerika Bomber
/ unit(s)
Blue Seas, Blue Sky
/ unit(s)