Product no.: FL01
$25.00 / unit(s)
Price plus sales tax, plus delivery

FRONTLINES COMBAT is a series of fast moving miniatures games that provide the feel of armored warfare from the introduction of tanks (Iron Dawn) to the present day. FRONTLINE: KOREA 1950-53 is the latest set of rules, scenarios and historical data in this series. Land, sea and air units interact on a three dimensional battlefield. The power, movement and technology of modern combat are all present. All of the rules and data that you need to re-fight the first open battles of the Cold War in Korea are included. Each model represents 1 vehicle, 50m/inch ground scale. All you supply are miniatures, dice and enthusiasm.

FRONTLINES: KOREA 1950-53 includes the following:

  • Rules for ground combat in the 1950s, including air support, artillery, and amphibious landings
  • Data for 25+ vehicles, 30+ aircraft and 4 boats
  • Complete combat charts and templates
  • Organization charts for 30+ US, UN and Communist units
  • 4 scenarios to get you started
  • Scale is one model represents one vehicle, infantry units can be fire team size and up
  • Ground scale is 50 meters to the inch

Highly realistic, FRONTLINES: KOREA 1950-53 puts you in command of infantry and armored forces, with all the capabilities and limitations that accompany command. Actions can incorporate anywhere from a company to a brigade on each side, along with supporting air and artillery units. Most scenarios can be completed within four to six hours.

Be sure to check out the other, fully compatible games in the FRONTLINES COMBAT series:

  • Iron Dawn – Armored combat in World War I
  • Mekong…Vietnam – Riverine and ground combat in Vietnam (from GHQ)
  • Sand, Oil, and Blood – Desert Storm and the War with Iraq
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